Key lime pie with a jar of JEM Organics Pistachio Ginseng Cashew Butter

Refreshing Key Lime Pistachio Pie

Bu-bye 2020 and hello 2021! Now that we are in a new year filled with fresh beginnings, what better way to celebrate than with a fresh Key Lime Pie? But this is no ordinary Key Lime, this is a Key Lime Pistachio Pie made with JEM Organics Pistachio Ginseng Cashew Butter. Made from simple ingredients and minimal sugar, this pie is delicious and guilt-free. Did we mention this recipe gluten-free and vegan? Smooth and sweet with a zing of zest. Normally, this pie is considered a summer treat, but after a hardy winter meal, we think it’s a perfectly light and refreshing winter treat. Put your apron on and enjoy!

Key Lime Pistachio Pie by Danielle Bear (@cacaoforcoconuts)

Key lime pistachio pie sliced




  • 1 cup raw cashews, soaked
  • 3/4 cup coconut milk
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil, melted
  • Juice from 3 lemons
  • Zest from 1 lemon  + more for topping
  • 1 Tbsp maple syrup


  1. Soak cashews for 8 hours (or 30 minutes in hot water).
  2. Put and soak dates for 5-10 minutes to soften.
  3. In a food processor, make the crust. Start with the dates and then add in pistachios and pistachio butter. Add in motor nut butter if the crust isn’t binding together!
  4. Press into a parchment lined pie pan. Try and distribute evenly! I like to use a springform one so that you can easily take the sides off and pop the pie out. I used a 7” round. Set aside.
  5. Clean the food processor before making the key lime filling!
  6. Add the cashews and coconut milk to food processor first. Blend to a cream before adding everything else!
  7. Pour filling over the crust and top with more lime zest.
  8. Freeze overnight (or 7-8 hours). Let thaw slightly before slicing and freezing!

Notes: Store in freezer!