Recipe: Snack Time Now! - JEM Organics

Recipe: Snack Time Now!

Sometimes we wait too long to take a snack break –– which is rare, but it does happen. In that case, there's absolutely zero time to spare: Must. Have. Snack. Now!

Here's a quick snack that is not a bag of chips or greasy fast food solution, but one that will leave you satisfied and ready to hit the trails afterwards. Three simple ingredients are needed: fruit, whole wheat bread, and almond butter. 

Grab some whole wheat bread, toast, and slice into cute triangles, grab an apple (or pear), slice away, and drizzle your favourite flavor blend of Jem nut butter. 

Shop our sprouted, stone ground, organic, vegan, gluten-free Jem Butters online now!


Photo by The Hatchery.