Enhance Your Summer Menu: Gazpacho + Jem Butter - JEM Organics

Enhance Your Summer Menu: Gazpacho + Jem Butter

When we think of gazpacho we're taken into a warm climate that's humid and exotic. Maybe a slight breeze in the hot air, but mainly you're dripping by mid-day heat seeking relief in the form of shade, icy liquids or light, chilled meals. 

Ergo, gazpacho. That soup any other time of the year you'd throw your nose up at. Chilled soup? What? Yes. It's fabulous–– especially when it's satisfying ––not just healthy, fresh, inventive, or extra vinegary. But topped with the smallest amount of natural fats with a smidgen of sweet is the sweet spot. 

In the Andalusia cuisine, a traditional gazpacho recipe includes stale bread, tomato, cucumber, bell pepper, onion and garlic, olive oil, wine vinegar, water, and salt.

Our first taste of gazpacho wasn't your classic Spanish tomato- and spice-based cold soup. 'Twas a watermelon, cucumber, and jalapeño recipe with fresh herbs. One late summer evening, a random blender combination blew our minds at first taste. Genius really. Ever since we've been hooked; looking forward to the dog days of summer meals. 

While you're looking to branch out of crock pot meals, hearty winter meats, and breaking out the BBQ with patio furniture, coolers, and on-the-go snacks for all that summer has in store–– think first and foremost Jem ––but, secondly, gazpacho. Here are a few inspirational recipes to take you into Summer. 

Gazpacho Recipes to Drizzle Jem All Over:

  • Spicy Watermelon Gazpacho 
    • watermelon, cucumber, jalapeños, water, EVOO, and salt + pepper to taste (we leave out the garlic and onions in this one, but that's a taste preference–– go classic and add Jem if you're so inclined!)
  • Golden Gazpacho (we suggest adding both turmeric and ginger root to this gem)
  • Heirloom Tomato, Summer Peach, and Fresh Herb Gazpacho Salad (this is not your Great Grandmother's hand-pounded in a mortar recipe)

Is your secret stash of Jem disappearing? Stock up! We have a few bundles that make for a full, happy pantry. 



Shop our sprouted, stone ground, organic, vegan, gluten-free, and coconut sugar Jem Butters online now!